Tax and finance

  • Kurdistan Region corporate tax

One of the best reasons to have a business in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is due to the low amount of taxes. Corporate tax here is only 15% on net yearly income. If you have a business in Kurdistan and want to make sure that you’re always up to date with the corporate tax regulations, then make sure to contact us so that your business is safe and secure, and to also avoid penalties.

  • Kurdistan Region personal income tax

As a business working in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, you need to file your company’s personal income tax statement to the government every quarter, failing to do so on time or not including enough information might cause hefty penalties in the future. Contact us to ensure that you're always up to date when it comes to the personal income tax of your staff.

  • Financial statements

Whether you're running a business in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, or anywhere else in the world, an important part of it is the financial statements. Not only are we the first registered law firm in Kurdistan but we also have collaboration with the accountant with the license number 1. Let us help you prepare your financial statements so that your business is protected from any potential penalties in the future for any misinformation that can often happen due to negligence.